How to use TLDR

Getting Started

  • 1 Look for the blue TLDR button in the bottom-right corner of any webpage
  • 2 Works everywhere — try it on YouTube videos and PDF files too!
  • 3 Don't like the button? Right-click to turn it off.
  • 4 Don't see the button? Reload the page if you just installed TLDR.

Pin TLDR to Your Toolbar

  • 1 Click the extensions icon (puzzle piece) in your Chrome toolbar
  • 2 Find TLDR in your list of extensions
  • 3 Click the pin icon next to TLDR
  • 4 The TLDR icon will now always be visible in your toolbar!

Keyboard Shortcut

Instantly summarize any page with this keyboard shortcut:

Alt + T

You can customize the TLDR shortcut in Chrome's extension settings. Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts and find TLDR in the list.

Change Your Language

TLDR can read & summarize 40 languages. Visit Settings to change your preferred summary language.

See our FAQ if you have more questions.